1. BLUEBERRY Often referred to as a superfood they are low in calories, packed with anti oxidants that help protect against signs of aging, DID YOU KNOW? Ever since the ancient ages, Blueberry tea was used to cure cough and upset stomach. Eating just 50 grams in a day reduces bad cholesterol , even if you have high blood pressure blue berries are effective as anti hypertensive drugs. 2. BANANA Banana rich in vitamin B6, Potassium, Manganese and dietary fiber, they are also fat free and calorie free. Vitamin B6 essential for red blood cells and it's important for remove toxins from the liver, Eating 1 medium sized of banana enables collagen production and protects your skin and cells against the harmful free radicals. Potassium keeps the heart healthy and blood pressure in check. 3.GRAPEFRUIT DID YOU KNOW? Eating at least half of it before any meal speeds up the weight loss process. It keeps bad cholesterol in check, 4.PINEAPPLE One of the best detoxifying agent, Rich i...