IT'S BELIEVED THAT ALL OF US KEEP GROWING TALL UP TO 26 YEARS OLD. NEVERTHELESS THIS PROCESS IS PURELY INDIVIDUAL.SOME PEOPLE START GROWING AT 16 TO 18 YEARS OLD. BUT SOME CONTINUE UPTO TILL 25. 3 CRITICAL FACTORS AFFECTS HEIGHT 1. HORMONAL REGULATION 2. HEALTHY BONES 3. GOOD FOOD WE ARE GOING TO REVEAL SOME SECRET FACTORS THAT SLOW DOWN THE GROWTH 1. EGGS Chicken eggs help you maintain a level of energy. they are rich in vitamin B which affects the production of energy in the cells in your body. Also eggs contain a high amount of protein which is good for muscle growth. Our body uses protein for alll physical processes, therefore to grow taller, your body needs more protein. Moreover, eggs contain the essential aminoacids and minerals, that are necessary for healthy bones and fast growth- calcium, zinc, iron . Eat 1 to 2 eggs for breakfast on an ordinary day or 1 to 2 for dinner on your training days. To avoid the risk of salmonella, you should boil or bake eggs,...